
Archive for October, 2009

As givers, we know very well what it’s like to give the gift of time. It is time that we give to others in a myriad of ways that express our own strengths and are reflective of our true nature.

Take a moment to reflect on how you give your time to others – to your loved ones, at work, in your community. This is your spiritual practice. This is how you embody love.

For the sake of claiming your life, ask yourself: am I giving in ways that feel right to me?  Am I in integrity around what I give or am I simply following a rule that is a habit or is a result of old conditioning? In other words, am I giving from a place of ‘should’ or from a place of peace and lightness?  When we take the time to notice, when we are very much in the spaciousness of the present moment, we get really clear about this.

Joseph Campbell’s often quoted advice, “Follow your bliss” speaks to this reflection. In my view, he is not talking about doing just what feels good. He is talking about checking in with that deeper part of ourselves and following that feeling of spaciousness and peace wherever it leads us, moment by moment, as our lives unfold.

Also, I invite you to reflect upon another important aspect of the gift of time: Do I include myself in the giving? Do I give myself the gift of time? If not, how can I make this happen?


I notice the freedom that I experience when I give from my true nature. I include myself in this. Sometimes my gifts are accepted, and sometimes they are not.  What is important is my relationship to the giving.


© 2009 Jeannie Campanelli, Inner Confidence Coaching. All Rights Reserved.

If you would like to use this article, written by Jeannie Campanelli, on your website or in your own e-newsletter, you MUST include the following:

Jeannie Campanelli, Ed.D, CPCC, partners with naturally-giving men and women who often put other people’s needs in front of their own. As a consequence, they are not connected to themselves. Jeannie offers a free e-newsletter titled “Notes on Claiming Your Life as Your Ownto support you in feeling the serenity, vitality and wholeness that comes from inner confidence.When you subscribe, you will receive a free guided visualization to support you in this journey home to yourself. Visit www.innerconfidencecoaching.com.

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I define an edge as a step that is calling you that’s scary to take. In other words, doing ‘whatever it is’  would be a real stretch for you.  Jumping over that edge would be moving past old conditioning and habits into new territory.

For instance, an edge might be leaving an intimate relationship that hasn’t worked for a long time, and you deeply know it would be best to move on. It might be leaving a career that isn’t enjoyable to you or reflective of your real strengths. It might be taking up something new like painting or public speaking. Or an edge might be allowing yourself to fully open your heart to a new partner after being hurt many times before.

Stop for a moment and reflect.  What is your edge right now?  What are you not doing because of old conditioning and habits?  What would be a real jump for you that is scary AND exciting to even consider?

Give yourself permission to stand up and imagine yourself stepping over that edge.  Now feel what it’s like on the other side where you actually are ‘over the edge’ and in new territory. What do you notice at a body level?  Any images, any metaphor, any thoughts, any body sensations?  Simply notice whatever comes up.

Sit with what you have discovered about yourself.  Be in the silence.  And see what unfolds.


Life unfolds in surprising and unexpected ways. I am afraid. I trust that I am safe.  I feel both points of view.  When I release the emotional charge of both ends of the spectrum – when either view has no ‘oomph’ – I am free to respond to what my life is asking of me.


© 2009 Jeannie Campanelli, Inner Confidence Coaching. All Rights Reserved.

If you would like to use this article, written by Jeannie Campanelli, on your website or in your own e-newsletter, you MUST include the following:

Jeannie Campanelli, Ed.D, CPCC, partners with naturally-giving men and women who often put other people’s needs in front of their own. As a consequence, they are not connected to themselves. Jeannie offers a free e-newsletter titled “Notes on Claiming Your Life as Your Ownto support you in feeling the serenity, vitality and wholeness that comes from inner confidence.When you subscribe, you will receive a free guided visualization to support you in this journey home to yourself. Visit www.innerconfidencecoaching.com.

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